I wasn’t going to write about any of this. It’s very private. But today I found photo proof that shit is going on and probably has been going on for a while. All through my relationship with Constantine things never did seem to always add up right. He couldn’t remember how many people he’s had sex with. He claimed that there wasn’t a romantic interest in Houston last time he was there, but I recall him mentioning some guy (wade?) and a long distance relationship. Lots of other little things like that, he could never remember anything. He can’t “remember” how much he paid for his car. Can’t remember this, can’t remember that. Blah blah blah. Really, if you “can’t remember” as much as he can’t remember, then you are clearly lying. Someone who’s telling the truth can remember that sort of shit.
Well, after our breakup I received an email he sent to one of my good friends about how he “felt bad” about what happened between them and how it should have been looked at as a “bonding between friends” and that he lied to me about staying home that night to watch a movie, etc. That’s a whole other long ass story.
While he was there in Houston he suddenly changed, while now we know why. He told me Michael was just a friend, Michael was ugly, michael had a boyfriend (yeah, apparently that boyfriend was CONSTANTINE!)… Well here’s some proof just to the opposite…
Lying scum bag boys. Fucking assholes all of them. Constantine seemed so innocent. I guess Tim was right when he said. “Constantine isn’t as innocent as he seems”. Boy is that a fucking understatement.
So we know he cheated on me with someone who i thought was one of my best friends, and now it appears he probably cheated on me with this Michael guy… Who else is there you liar.