Jay and James are here and it’s nice having them. So far the best guests.. But I feel bad cause the weather is kinda shit and my entire plan is out the window.. We have been stuck on this mooring ball for a few days, Going to move in a little bit to a different mooring ball but because of the winds I’m not sure we will be able to do much. Just kinda sucks that their vacation is a little shitty cause of the wind. I hope that they are enjoying themselves.

I’ve been a little Meh again about this whole boat thing. I was excited for a little bit about going to the Med but then I start looking into it and the logistics, insurance, getting meds, people visiting, etc. It’s just too much stress for me I feel like. Plus the loneliness of it all, feeling left out. Etc.

It also is really bothering me that some of my “friends” haven’t made any effort to come visit. But they have been going on other vacations, some of them have been on multiple vacations since I got here but haven’t even asked about coming to visit or followed up on me asking them.

I dunno what to do, TBH. Sell, Med, Sell, Med. The costs, the loneliness, the crazy adventure to get there. Will I regret not going, Will I regret selling, Will I regret going?

I stress out about getting my meds, I stress out about what if I need to fly home, how do I get astra back to the USA. I stress out about getting there… Then once I’m there, I’m limited to 90 days. What do I do after those 90 days, come back to the US, GO to the Caribbean, go to turkey… I just don’t know. It’s a LOT of work to get there and what, only to find out I don’t like it? Or what if I get there and I love it. I also kind of just want to sell this boat so that I don’t have the $4,500/month payments on it. Plus if I leave it in dry dock or something another $1,500/month to store it. That’s a lot of fucking money that I am spending on this boat… If the markets turn to crap, if I don’t make enough on my rentals… How will I survive and pay my bills.

And then with all this shit happening in the USA, what’s the point of going back there? Everyone I know is trying to leave.. and will it even really be safe there? Trump is def going to start hating on the gays soon. There are multiple states calling for the over turning of gay marriage. They are literally taking away protective rights from trans people, what’s to stop them from removing them from gays next? They are kicking Trans people out of the military, what’s to stay they won’t do that to gays next?

I just don’t know what to do… It’s so confusing.

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