Last trek to Georgetown!

Making the last trek to GT today… Met up with my friends on All2Well a few days ago and have been sailing with them. They are sailing down with us.

First, it’s so nice again to have another boat to travel with and as much as I loved the Boston guys, all2well is more on my speed of doing things… Go check it out, then go back to boat and hang out. Not spend hours doing random various things.. haha.

Second, I fucking love their boat. I have a bit of envy with it. Granted I could have NEVER afforded their boat. But damn it’s nice. They also must spend so much time cleaning though cause it’s spotless. hahah.

Having another boat to travel with makes this whole situation so different and it makes me confused about what I want to do…

Also I keep watching these YouTube of people in Greece and it makes me RELALY want to go over there and try it out. I stared a pro/con list but I am still not sure what exactly to do.

This month I am spending so much money
1) $16,000 on new washer/dryers for the apartments
2) $12,000 on structural repairs for one building
3) $7,000 remodeling an apartment cause we kicked out this hoarder and it was just so fucking disgusting.
4) $6,000 on stuff for the boat.

I need to stop bleeding money! I’m getting concerned for when I stop getting money from VFF about if I’ll be able to afford life!

I wish that I had one more guest who can come visit… help me with the trek from GT back to Marsh Harbor. THat’ll be about 2-3 weeks alone and not sure how I feel about all that.

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