Leaving my Sailing Friends…

Well today was the day that I separated from my sailing friends. We’ve been sailing together for over a month now and it’s been nice having another boat to travel along with.

We’ve done a lot of stuff and probably they have got me out to do more stuff then I would have done on my own for sure. I had a lot of fun, annoyance, more fun, and some great friendship building with them. I’ll miss having them around.

But I’ve also made the decision that I’m ready to go back to the USA. I am going to stay until March 9th when my last guests leave Georgetown and then make my way back home.

I don’t know yet what I’m going to do. I have so many options and I want to make the RIGHT decision. I don’t want to have regrets any more.

After doing this whole last 4 years. I wish I had kept my house in Vallejo, TBH. So that I’d have a home to go back too.

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