This has been tough already saying goodbye to people.
Meeting up with Charles in about 30 minutes and I’m nervous I’m gonna cry. One year ago today, I wrote a post about how this wasn’t the relationship I wanted. Then here we are 1 year later and I still want him back. I still miss him every day. I still long for him to come cuddle and kiss me. I still get excited every time I see his name pop up on my phone.
I’m still jealous of the guys he’s hanging out with now.
I had beers with Hugo last night, he cried saying goodbye. Telling me how this has been the best summer because of me. James texted me the other day saying that the summer the four of us all got to hang out was the best summer he’s had.
And I’m leaving it all behind. Part of me feels I’m still running away from Charles, to get away from the memories of him. Part of me is doing it because i want the adventure. All of me is scared.