Dore Alley

Well this weekend was about 95% fun at Dore alley. We went out Saturday night and had a ton of fun at powerhouse. We hooked up with two guys in the back of the bar. We got yelled at one time though cause apparently we were blocking the bar access, Opps. I was confident enough to wear just shorts and my harness which was pretty hot. But not confident enough to wear just my jock strap. lol.

Woke up Sunday morning and was HUNG THE FUCK OVER. I felt like I was dying. Went back to bed for a bit over an hour and woke up feeling much better but still tired.

We drove to SF and metup with his friends Jay and James. Walked around a lot and eventually met up with my friend Owen and then also Charles’ friends Eric and Eddie. He said there was this house party, so we walked like 3 blocks. Got there and then apparently the party had been “pushed back” by a few hours. So we had to walk all the way back to the fucking dore alley. That was annoying.

That’s sort of when things started to go down hill. Jay is very aggressive and pretty condescending, IMHO. It was starting to get to me and all I wanted to do was kinda mill around Dore and people watch. But he was constantly like “ok, what are we doing, what’s the plan” blah blah blah. And then when someone was like “ok, let’s do this” he sort of like RAN Through the fucking event. Like just slow the fuck down, enjoy what we’re doing.

I also got a bit annoyed at Charles cause while we were walking through places he would just run off ahead and leave me behind. But as soon as Eric showed up he was walking side by side with him.

Anyway, we ended up driving over to Castro for some dumb reason and having dinner at this place. Again Jay was being a little condescending about stuff and going on and on a bout how he “owns all this restaurant stocks” and he just seems to know everything about everything in the restaurant business.

Then wen walked over to the lookout and hung out there. This part was pretty boring because everyone was just kinda on their phones and not talking. Rav was there and he stopped by to say “HI” but that was awk af.

On the drive home we got in a fight because I was “being rude” to jay. Honestly Charles needs to get his fucking shit straight. I’m his BF, if something upsets me, I should feel comfortable to discuss it with him. I was telling him how Jay was frustrating me and how I was upset by it. at one point Charles texted Eric cause he was obviously upset too and he replied that he was frustrated with Jay as well. But not once did Charles ask me all day why I was upset. And then when I wanted to talk about it, he just got mad at me because I was “rude” to jay; Because that’s “just how jay is” and because I don’t “like” any of his friends.

Well, let’ recap. Eric hates my guts, so yeah. I don’t really like him. And now Jay is being all aggressive and condescending to me. So no, I don’t like that either in that moment. I like jay and James, they’re both nice! And honestly Eric is starting to grow on me and I think I’m growing on him.

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