We have spent so much time together recently. When we’re together, I am happy. I enjoy the time but then when we are apart I am anxious AF.
I’ve seen changes already, I dunno what’s going on and my mind runs crazy. We used to text all day long, now he barely texts me at all. The last few days he’s been texting me “I got to work safe” and today nothing.
I think about it over and over again, is he getting bored. Is he frustrated.
But he does so many nice things. Like last night he picked up dinner for us.
I am leaving in a week for Galapagos. We will see how that goes. Maybe some time apart will be good for us.
We got into a bit of a tiff the other night in SF. He’s been so quiet lately, I try to tell him a story and he just doesn’t reply at all. He sits there and watched tiktoc without saying anything.
We went to a bar that night and he spent the whole night just holding onto me, putting his head on my shoulder.
I just don’t get it. I am so confused. I think things are great but at the same time I Just can’t help but think that things will end at any moment. He will say “I’m bored” and leave. Or something like that.