So… last night was TONS of fun. I had a great time… I thought I was going to end up sitting here on my couch being depressed all night long. But at the last minute Myke invited me over, and I went… We hung out tell 6am and drank and had a jolly old time.
Spent most of the night just sitting on his futon having a great time and talking… He kept trying to molest me and found it very funny when I was so nervous around him.
He was lots of fun though, I hope that we can hang out again sometime. 🙂
Got an e-mail from andrew on the ship yesterday… It was good tohear from him. Susan also sent me another e-mail.
Anyways. I’m tired. I didn’t get home tell 6am and didn’t get to sleep tell 2pm for some reason. then I spelt tell 4:30. Tonight I’m going to hang out at home nad go to bed early…
Night all