
So yesterday was alright. I worked and didn’t really do much. Nazanin was gone, so I caught up on a bunch of things that she usually doesn’t allow me time to do while there. Also got the new managed switch, which is going to prove to be a BIGGER pain in the ass to set up then orignially thought. I might farm that out to someone else to do, as I just don’t have the time.

After work I went to the big gay alliance conference meeting. Stalker was there and he acted like he didn’t know me and gave me nasty looks. I don’t really like him much. I signed up for Carver-AV… Which means i’m in charge of the Audio/Video in Carver. It’s a Saturday morning job from 9-12. So that shouldn’t be too bad. And I didn’t really see any things I really wanted to go to that day anyways. The drag shows that weekend should be TONS of fun though. And plus they said for almost all the jobs, you can sit in and watch the talks going on, cause once they are started there’s not much to do. My job is one of them. I just have to get them set up for the video/audio before they start and then I can relax tell the next session starts (they are one hour sessions).

I think it’ll be a really fun weekend. I just wish Andrew would be here to enjoy it with me. They are having a v-day dance as well.. I probably won’t go, cause I don’t want to go alone. We’ll have to see how things work out later though.

After the meeting I went to Santa Fe and met up with Bryan, as I found out his name is. We sat and talked for like 2 hours and had a really good time. We joked about the gay guys on campus that we knew, and laughed about horrible waitress stories. And reminiced about New York (He lived there for 8 months). Talking to him about it, really made me want to go back. I don’t know when I’ll have time/money to do that though. He was lots of fun, I think I could hang out with him again. I had to break about 9ish though, cause that was the last bus tell 10:30, and I really didn’t want to stay out tell 11 (That’s when I would have gotten home).

I wanted to drive back to DM and hang out with Justin again though… So I txt messaged him when I got home about 9ish. He was at his boys house, so that was a no go. Though he wants me to go to the redlight again this weekend. I dunno why he wants me to go so badly, but he even offered to pay for me. I don’t know yet if I will or not. I’m very tired, since I got up at 7:30 this morning, and plus…. I’m SUPER horny, and I feel that even if tempted just the slightest bit, I’d probably make out with someone. I’m sure you all know how I don’t want to do that.

But yeah, to today… I got up at 7:30 and drove down to Beak’s house. Met up with her and hung out for a little while we waited for Niel to get gas/etc. Then we headed out to G&G’s. Got there and hung out with Gpa for a while then drove up to the legion where the sale was.

It was only supposed to last 1.5 hours… but it ended up lasting nearly 3. I was very annoyed. Thankfully Gpa came up after a while and I just rode home with him and we hung out at the G&G house… It was very weird cause at one point he was telling us about how the doctor stuck a hose up his penis, and it only takes him 20 minutes now to the checkup of his something or another. And then that story led into one about how the old nurse was hot and young and she had a really funny name, but she died really young of a heart thing, and now the doctor has a stupid nurse that put him in the wrong room and then didn’t leave while he was having this thing shoved in his dick… And the WHOLE thing that started this was he got his insurance bill and the moral of the story was that it cost $435. And it was weird.

Anyways, the sale was long and I only got a box of vases, of which I only want one, so I think the PU’s are keeping the rest of them. Drove home and I kept trying to sleep, but beak kept talking. So I didn’t really sleep much.

Now I’m sitting here updating and I think I might go hot tub here and then txt Justin to see if he’s still wanting me to go tonight, or if his boy will keep him company enough there.

Laters all.

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