Funny Convo #2

BlackC 2004 (2:14:08 AM): So did that condom come in handy?
BlackC 2004 (2:14:10 AM): lol
Wellington1800 (2:15:02 AM): lol nah i need a bf
BlackC 2004 (2:15:10 AM): lol… Join the club.
Wellington1800 (2:15:27 AM): so lets go out
BlackC 2004 (2:15:31 AM): But at least you were prepared.
Wellington1800 (2:15:39 AM): 🙂
BlackC 2004 (2:15:43 AM): lol
Wellington1800 (2:16:04 AM): 😎
BlackC 2004 (2:16:39 AM): Anyways, I’ve got to hit the bed… I’m tired.. ::yawns:: Though I’m scared to go to bed now. I just watched the creepiest movie every!
BlackC 2004 (2:16:41 AM): lol
Wellington1800 (2:17:33 AM): so come down here and ull be safe
BlackC 2004 (2:18:00 AM): lol. That’s a long drive! It’d be like 3! I think I can handle it.. I’ll just have to cuddle with my teddy bear. 🙁
BlackC 2004 (2:18:12 AM): But have a goodnight.. Perhaps you can still find a use for that condom. 😛
BlackC 2004 (2:19:20 AM): Perhaps if I had an invite ealier, you could have comforted me through the movie… I was so scared!
BlackC 2004 (2:19:28 AM): But, really I have to go. I’m just talking to myself now.
BlackC 2004 (2:19:30 AM): Laters!
Wellington1800 (2:19:36 AM): wait
BlackC 2004 (2:19:39 AM): ??
Wellington1800 (2:19:39 AM): talk to me
BlackC 2004 (2:19:43 AM): Wha?
Wellington1800 (2:19:57 AM): i mean granted
Wellington1800 (2:20:16 AM): ur still somewaht in love with ur man but still talk to me
Wellington1800 (2:20:28 AM): plze.?:-)
BlackC 2004 (2:20:39 AM): I have no problems with talking.
Wellington1800 (2:20:54 AM): so?
BlackC 2004 (2:21:30 AM): so???
Wellington1800 (2:21:35 AM): lets tal then
BlackC 2004 (2:21:41 AM): k, bout what?
Wellington1800 (2:21:58 AM): bout u
Wellington1800 (2:22:00 AM): 🙂
BlackC 2004 (2:22:20 AM): What about me?
BlackC 2004 (2:22:28 AM): I’m scared! What more do you need to know?
BlackC 2004 (2:22:29 AM): lol
Wellington1800 (2:23:01 AM): tell me EXPLICILTLY about u without being scared
Wellington1800 (2:23:13 AM): 😎
Wellington1800 (2:23:37 AM): i mean im listening to Pacelbels Canon in D
Wellington1800 (2:23:55 AM): how
Wellington1800 (2:23:55 AM): “bad” can i be?
BlackC 2004 (2:24:03 AM): Hmmm? ::is confused::
Wellington1800 (2:24:33 AM): okay tell me bout u
BlackC 2004 (2:24:53 AM): What about me?
Wellington1800 (2:25:01 AM): i mean i know ur taken but i still wanna know bout u
Wellington1800 (2:25:07 AM): stuff u havent said
BlackC 2004 (2:25:41 AM): Ummm, well ask a question, and I shall answer.
Wellington1800 (2:25:50 AM): would u let world peace begin with u???
BlackC 2004 (2:25:53 AM): I can’t just think of things I haven’t said off the top of my head!
BlackC 2004 (2:26:09 AM): And I didn’t mean for that to ryhme.
BlackC 2004 (2:26:24 AM): I suppose, but I don’t see how world peace would START with me persay.
BlackC 2004 (2:26:25 AM): lol
Wellington1800 (2:26:55 AM): are u a follower or a leader?
BlackC 2004 (2:27:14 AM): It all depends on the situation.
BlackC 2004 (2:27:40 AM): And how comfortable I am in it!
Wellington1800 (2:29:23 AM): and how are u at starting new things?
Wellington1800 (2:29:25 AM): ??
BlackC 2004 (2:29:34 AM): I dunno, not very good I should say.
Wellington1800 (2:30:09 AM): now
Wellington1800 (2:30:18 AM): whys that?
BlackC 2004 (2:30:33 AM): I’m shy, I don’t start things well. :-[
BlackC 2004 (2:30:34 AM): lol
Wellington1800 (2:30:55 AM): im shy and very formal too …so what?
BlackC 2004 (2:31:25 AM): And unless I feel very comfortable doing something, it takes a lot of persuasion to get me to do things, or alcohol too, that works.
BlackC 2004 (2:31:28 AM): roflol.
Wellington1800 (2:31:42 AM): hey le me tell u this okay?
BlackC 2004 (2:31:50 AM): k?
Wellington1800 (2:33:01 AM): i saw ur pic and immediately i was drawn to its cuteness and ever si ce i saw it no matter the cost id still think u were attractive in one 20 yr old to another
BlackC 2004 (2:33:35 AM): Awww, thanks! :-[:-D
Wellington1800 (2:33:36 AM): whatever ur frank as in physical or emotional response
BlackC 2004 (2:34:04 AM): I do think that you’re cute as well! Seriously.
Wellington1800 (2:34:08 AM): its okay ive been turned down soo much before so its okay
Wellington1800 (2:34:19 AM): awwww
Wellington1800 (2:34:56 AM): i mean most guys call me mushy when i want to take them to my house for dinner lit by candle and music by Celine Dion
BlackC 2004 (2:35:10 AM): Awww, that’s cute!
Wellington1800 (2:35:20 AM): and dinner to my lovely choosing
Wellington1800 (2:35:32 AM): and then most have and will leave laughing
Wellington1800 (2:35:47 AM): making me soo very cynical
BlackC 2004 (2:36:13 AM): Why would they leave laughing? I always enjoy candle light dinners, they’re so relaxing and nice.
BlackC 2004 (2:36:23 AM): Though I like the cranberries as a back sound for me!
BlackC 2004 (2:36:23 AM): lol
Wellington1800 (2:36:35 AM): so while im left in the breexe wit my ass in the rain
Wellington1800 (2:37:13 AM): everyone laughs at me
Wellington1800 (2:37:19 AM): so i say screw em
BlackC 2004 (2:37:19 AM): Well they shouldn’t.
BlackC 2004 (2:37:38 AM): That’s what most of DM is though.
Wellington1800 (2:38:50 AM): so i wonder when people are gonna get over that which they cannot have
Wellington1800 (2:39:09 AM): but still have whats avail in front of them and willin in front of them
BlackC 2004 (2:39:34 AM): That’s too philosophical at this time of the night.
Wellington1800 (2:39:44 AM): nah
Wellington1800 (2:39:47 AM): ur educated
Wellington1800 (2:39:51 AM): but okay
BlackC 2004 (2:40:25 AM): Sorry, I’m very tired… The brains not thinking.
BlackC 2004 (2:40:31 AM): Do explain what you’re attempting to say?
BlackC 2004 (2:40:44 AM): In laymans tearms?
Wellington1800 (2:40:49 AM): nah its too early
Wellington1800 (2:40:58 AM): unless u want me to say something
Wellington1800 (2:41:06 AM): and have somethings be strained
Wellington1800 (2:41:33 AM): “Heart of a Champion” good song
BlackC 2004 (2:41:50 AM): ::scratches head:: I’m so confused!
Wellington1800 (2:42:12 AM): im not surprised…
Wellington1800 (2:42:22 AM): laughs
Wellington1800 (2:43:38 AM): in somesort of otherwords(not my own but still) im envious of the reakastionshio u jave with ur man
BlackC 2004 (2:43:39 AM): Do explain? I’m so confused… You’ll have me up trying to decipher your crazy talk all night!
BlackC 2004 (2:43:48 AM): Ahhh, Isee.
BlackC 2004 (2:44:01 AM): I’m sorry!
Wellington1800 (2:44:10 AM): and i wish iwas ur man
Wellington1800 (2:44:11 AM): ther
Wellington1800 (2:44:13 AM): i said it
Wellington1800 (2:44:22 AM): heres wher u say im sooo offended
Wellington1800 (2:44:31 AM): or sooo grossed out
BlackC 2004 (2:44:45 AM): Ahhh, well you know what I always tell people is that I had to wait FOREVER before I even had my first bf, so it just takes time to find that right guy!
Wellington1800 (2:44:48 AM): because im not blonde haired
Wellington1800 (2:44:50 AM): blue eyed
BlackC 2004 (2:45:02 AM): I’m not offened or grossed out. I think it’s cute.
Wellington1800 (2:45:36 AM): u dont wanna know what im gonna do
BlackC 2004 (2:45:52 AM): What… What are you gonna do?
Wellington1800 (2:45:59 AM): and believe me ITS NOT U
Wellington1800 (2:46:08 AM): oh nothing
BlackC 2004 (2:46:17 AM): What, you can’t tempt me like that!!
Wellington1800 (2:46:22 AM): not that anyone cares
Wellington1800 (2:46:42 AM): no one ever has cared
BlackC 2004 (2:46:43 AM): I’m sure everyone cares…
Wellington1800 (2:46:52 AM): so dont if u dont want to
Wellington1800 (2:46:58 AM): no one does
BlackC 2004 (2:46:59 AM): I bet there are people that care.
Wellington1800 (2:47:05 AM): according to my powerful mother
BlackC 2004 (2:47:35 AM): You’re mother said that no one cares?
Wellington1800 (2:48:21 AM): yea
BlackC 2004 (2:48:53 AM): Well, no offense to her, but what does she know? I bet there are people out there that would care.
BlackC 2004 (2:48:57 AM): You have friends, no?
Wellington1800 (2:49:25 AM): in reality no
BlackC 2004 (2:50:11 AM): Oh, sure you do!
BlackC 2004 (2:50:28 AM): Who doesn’t have friends… Even I have friends, though none of them like haning out with me. 🙁
Wellington1800 (2:51:32 AM): no
Wellington1800 (2:51:36 AM): my mom just called
Wellington1800 (2:51:53 AM): and said the worst thing i could have done besides die was being gat
Wellington1800 (2:51:56 AM): gay
Wellington1800 (2:52:01 AM): im crying
BlackC 2004 (2:52:01 AM): At this hour? I think you’re halucanating (I know, I’m not an enligh major).
BlackC 2004 (2:52:15 AM): Well I’m sorry. How bout a hug??? ::hugs::
Wellington1800 (2:53:01 AM): yea whatever
BlackC 2004 (2:53:17 AM): Oh, do stop. Life is good, or it shall be.
Wellington1800 (2:53:39 AM): no one cares
Wellington1800 (2:53:42 AM): no one is ther
Wellington1800 (2:53:51 AM): no one
Wellington1800 (2:53:56 AM): ur wanting ur bf
BlackC 2004 (2:53:59 AM): Sure they do! I care.
Wellington1800 (2:54:01 AM): whic h is cool
Wellington1800 (2:54:08 AM): and they want their s
Wellington1800 (2:54:21 AM): and im here without an umbrella in this rain of shit
BlackC 2004 (2:54:48 AM): Oh, I do think it’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be… Perhaps you’ve been drinking a bit too much tonight?
Wellington1800 (2:55:55 AM): dude
Wellington1800 (2:56:00 AM): u have no idea
BlackC 2004 (2:56:08 AM): Well then enlighten me!
Wellington1800 (2:56:10 AM): how deep it goes
BlackC 2004 (3:00:39 AM): Well if you’re not going to enlighten me… I’m going to hit the sack.
BlackC 2004 (3:00:49 AM): Nighties. Hope thinkgs look up tomorrow for you!
Wellington1800 (3:01:15 AM): yea
Wellington1800 (3:01:17 AM): whatever
BlackC 2004 (3:01:26 AM): Do be better!
BlackC 2004 (3:01:29 AM): Nights
Wellington1800 (3:01:31 AM): i wont be
Wellington1800 (3:01:34 AM): u will be

Auto response from Wellington1800 (3:01:34 AM): I am away from my computer right now.

Wellington1800 (3:01:37 AM): but whatever
BlackC 2004 (3:01:38 AM): Sure you will!
Wellington1800 (3:01:47 AM): yea extactly
Wellington1800 (3:01:50 AM): sure
BlackC 2004 (3:01:59 AM): I’m just going down…. Withe very day that passes. I’m sure you can come up!
BlackC 2004 (3:02:09 AM): We’ll meet somewhere in the middle! 😛
BlackC 2004 (3:02:11 AM): Night!
Wellington1800 (3:13:04 AM): always…that is if u evermeet me

Auto response from Wellington1800 (3:13:04 AM): I am away from my computer right now.

Wellington1800 (3:26:21 AM): ok well take care i gfuess
Wellington1800 (3:26:34 AM): that is if u do
Wellington1800 (3:27:07 AM): u prolly think im a load of baggage
Wellington1800 (3:27:07 AM): but whatever

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