AcerSai: Are you there?
RnBowBoi2004: I just IMed you.
RnBowBoi2004: How do you spell satalites?
AcerSai: No you didn’t.
AcerSai: satilites
AcerSai: What are you doing?
RnBowBoi2004: Spell checking a paper.
RnBowBoi2004: Apparently I forgot to install the spellchecker in Linux.
AcerSai: oh
AcerSai: so what’s your issue?
RnBowBoi2004: I don’t have an issue.
AcerSai: I think you do.
AcerSai: I think something’s up and I want to know what’s going on.
RnBowBoi2004: There’s nothing.
AcerSai: Well then why are you acting like you have ben?
AcerSai: I’ve had a long week and every day I’ve looked forawrd to the weekend when I culd see you. You act like you could care less.
AcerSai: You havn’t talk to me all week, unless for the most part you were responding to something I say.
AcerSai: You say you don’t want to stay with me and you don’t want me to stay wth you, even though we always do that.
AcerSai: If you don’t want to do something with me say so. What’s going on?
AcerSai: I feel really unimportant to you right now.
RnBowBoi2004: We’ll talk about it later.
AcerSai: Talk about what?
RnBowBoi2004: About what you just asked about.
RnBowBoi2004: That’s what.
AcerSai: No I won’t function tonight.
AcerSai: Now I know there’s something and I’m already near tears.
AcerSai: I’m calling you.
RnBowBoi2004: Fine… You really want to know what’s going on.
RnBowBoi2004: You asked for it, I wanted to talk about it tonight.
RnBowBoi2004: Dear Adam,
As I’ve been reading though my old journal entries lately, and remember all the good times that we’ve had together. I’ve been thinking about us and where I want to go in our relationship. It’s brought a lot of issues to my mind, some good, some bad. But in the end I have to make a decision about where I want us to go. I’ve spent a large part of the last couple weeks thinking of just that, and I’ve come to my conclusion. I’m sorry Adam, but I think it’s time that we ended our relationship.
RnBowBoi2004: I’m sorry to have to do it. But after reading through everything that we’ve done, it’s made me realize that I don’t feel the same way I used to. I’ve changed, you’ve changed, we’ve changed. You’ve grown closer, and I farther, and I know that now it’s time to move on. I really enjoyed our 16 months together, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. You’ve helped me grow as a person, and I hope that I’ve helped you grow too.
RnBowBoi2004: I’m sorry, I’d like to still try and be friends. I’d like to keep the three of us (Andrew, you and me) as a group. If you want to talk, I’m here to talk to, Andrew’s here to talk too, Scott’s here to talk to.
With Love,
AcerSai: Why
AcerSai: I HAte you!