It’s been a while since I’ve written about the car. A lot has happened since then.
Back on Apr 22, 2014 the car was taken off to the sandblasting/body shop.
Took the sand blasters a while longer then anticipated but a few weeks later, I think they did a great job. Only found a few minor issues:
Bought my first impact wrench which is exciting. I dunno why I never had one before. Makes life so much easier and was able to easily break apart the front brake assembly. Also found that my dash pad is a bit worn so will need to get that repaired
Tore my seats apart, bought a new rear tail light housing, painted it up and then dropped it in the grass. 🙁
Other then that, I’ve been doing lots of random little changes, etc. I’ve torn the steering column apart and working on getting that back up and running.